Complete monitoring for your PSCL


Through the Jojob PSCL module the Mobility Manager will have all the data already processed, ready to be entered into the Plan without the need for further actions.

Thanks to the PSCL module, Jojob provides to the Mobility Manager the complete monitoring of the reduction of the environmental impact in accordance with the provisions of the “relaunch” decree converted into Law No. 77 of 17 July 2020 and using the ISPRA parameters provided for in the Government guidelines.

Introduce Company Carpooling in your PSCL


When there is a high presence of private cars, a vehicle used for home-work journeys, it is advisable to submit an intervention aimed at facilitating sharing (Carpooling).

Statistically, if the percentage of employees who reach the company by car exceeds 30% of the population, a carpooling project generates a significant reduction in the environmental impact.

How to implement a Company Carpooling project

Provide the workforce with a tool that facilitates the meeting between drivers and passengers;

Prepare a widespread and concentrated communication campaign;

Adopt a results monitoring tool for annual reporting.

An incentive campaign ensures high adhesion right from the start of the project!


Jojob is the Carpooling solution to implement your PSCL


Over 10 years of experience;

A highly performing technology;

A national community with over 300,000 commuters;

A dedicated support for the communication campaign;

An integrated company incentive management system;

Tools to measure the environmental impact of carpooling, soft mobility, smart working and company shuttles;

A control panel that guarantees the monitoring of the results achieved.

Companies that adopt sustainable mobility​​​
Contact us to request more information and a remote demo