
Our Sustainability Report

For three years Bringme Srl Società Benefit has chosen to share the results achieved in the field of sustainability with its stakeholders, describing the activities implemented to monitor and reduce process and product environmental impacts and to enhance and support its people and community, continuing to achieve increasingly satisfactory economic results.

Bilancio di Sostenibilità 2023

Our three areas of impact

The company, since its establishment and with increasing commitment over the years, has set itself the goal of facilitating sustainable mobility in order to generate a positive impact on: reduction of private vehicles on the road, reduction of polluting emissions due to private transport for home-work routes.

Area 1

CO2 reduction emitted by cars

Area 2

Reduction in the number of vehicles on the road

Area 3

Economic savings for commuters

2030 Agenda: We believe in sustainability in all its dimensions

The future of humanity and our planet is in our hands. It is also found in the

hands of the new generations, who will pass the baton to future generations. We have
mapped out the path towards sustainable development; it will serve to assure us that the journey will take
success and its results will be irreversible.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is an action program for people, the planet and prosperity signed in September 2015 by the governments of the 193 UN member countries. It incorporates 17 Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs – into a large action program for a total of 169 ‘targets’ or milestones.

Bringme Srl Società Benefit has decided to share, support and promote the 2030 Agenda by identifying 5 reference objectives to focus on, closer to its values ​​and commitments and on which it believes it can significantly influence through its activities.


Browse and download our Sustainability Reports and Impact Reports from past years

Annual Report Impact 2023

Relazione Annuale d’Impatto 2023

Sustainability Report 2022

Bilancio di Sostenibilità 2022

Annual Report Impact 2022

Relazione Annuale d’Impatto 2022

Sustainability Report 2021

Bilancio di Sostenibilità 2021

Annual Report Impact 2021

Relazione Annuale d’Impatto 2021